Dean Sambamurthy five-year review

The Office of the Provost is conducting a five-year review of Vallabh Sambamurthy, Dean of the Wisconsin School of Business (WSB). This review is a normal part of our evaluation and support procedures. As part of this review, the provost has appointed Charles Read, Dean Emeritus of the School of Education, to chair a committee to gather feedback from faculty, staff, students, and partners of the school.

There are several ways for WSB faculty, staff, students, and partners to participate in the review. None of these are mandatory, and you can choose to participate in as many ways as work best for you:

  1. Complete a survey
  2. Join a focus group
  3. Individual conversation with the committee


The UW Survey Center will be distributing a survey via email to the Wisconsin School of Business’s faculty, staff, board members, and select partners. The confidential survey will help the review committee assess Dean Sambamurthy’s skills across multiple areas, like leadership and community building. We anticipate the survey being available starting January 26, 2024. If you would like to complete the survey but haven’t received a link by January 30, 2024, please fill out a brief form to request a link.

Focus Groups

The review committee will hold six focus groups, one each for the Wisconsin School of Business’s pre-tenure faculty, tenured faculty, staff, students, department chairs, and external partners and board members. During these meetings, you can share your thoughts about what is working well in the school and what could be improved. Mark your calendars:

  1. WSB academic and university staff: February 8, 1:30–2:30 p.m., Plenary Room, 1310 Grainger Hall
  2. WSB department chairs: February 12, 2:30–3:30 p.m., Conference Room, 4161 Grainger Hall
  3. WSB students: February 13, 5:30–6:30 p.m. Plenary Room, 1310 Grainger Hall
  4. WSB external partners and board members: February 14, 12–1 p.m., virtual, link will be emailed to attendees
  5. WSB tenured faculty: February 16, 10:30–11:30 a.m., Capital Conference Room, 5120 Grainger Hall
  6. WSB pre-tenure faculty: February 16, 1:30–2:30 p.m., Conference Room 3190, Grainger Hall

Individual Conversation

You may also provide individual feedback by meeting virtually or in person with two members of the review committee. To request a confidential interview, please fill out a brief form by February 2, 2024. Once all requests are received, a committee member will be in touch to schedule.

Committee Members

If you have any questions about this five-year review, please feel free to contact the Provost Office staff member supporting this committee: Kelly Conforti Rupp, Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs.

  1. Charles Read (chair), Dean Emeritus, School of Education
  2. Neeraj Arora, Professor, Marketing, Wisconsin School of Business
  3. Kristen Fuhremann, Deputy Department Chair, Accounting and Information Systems, Wisconsin School of Business
  4. Betsy Lundgren, Director of Alumni Relations, Wisconsin School of Business
  5. Ananth Seshadri, Professor, Economics, College of Letters & Science
  6. Ann Terlaak, Associate Professor, Management and Human Resources, Wisconsin School of Business
  7. Dan Wangerin, Associate Professor, Accounting and Information Systems, Wisconsin School of Business
  8. Anja Wanner, Professor, English, College of Letters & Science