Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf and the Ombuds Office are currently seeking new ombuds to begin service in mid-2018 and 2019. One position will begin on July 1, 2018 and two others are expected to begin in 2019. To ensure consideration, applications should be submitted by April 6, 2018.
Based on current priorities of the ombuds team, the office is seeking recently retired faculty and staff with broad university experience. Governance and/or administrative experience/leadership skills in conflict management will be considered a plus. Successful applicants must enjoy working with people and contributing fully to the work of the Ombuds Office.
The Ombuds Office was created to provide an alternative resource for all UW–Madison employees (faculty, academic staff, university staff, graduate students, post-docs, and student staff members) seeking assistance with work related issues.
Ombuds provide an informal, safe, confidential opportunity to be heard, explore concerns, and consider resources, options and strategies for next steps to address workplace problems. Ombuds are impartial and work independently from University administrative offices, advocating for fairness and equity in the workplace, rather than representing any side in a dispute. Essential skills routinely used by an ombuds include engaged listening, reframing issues and developing options, and helping people help themselves.
The Ombuds Office is comprised of five retired UW employees representing faculty and staff whose expertise comes from decades of service to the campus in wide variety of different disciplines and positions. Ombuds are selected to achieve the greatest breadth and depth of university experience. Ombuds generally serve a term of three years.