The Lake Mendota shoreline is pictured in an aerial view of the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus

Dean Reviews

The Office of the Provost conducts reviews of the deans every five years as a normal part of our evaluation and support procedures. For each review, the provost appoints a current or emerit senior university leader to chair a committee that gathers feedback from stakeholders of the school, college, or division.

Current and recent reviews

  • Dean Sambamurthy five-year review

    The Office of the Provost is conducting a five-year review of Vallabh Sambamurthy, Dean of the Wisconsin School of Business (WSB). This review is a normal part of our evaluation and support procedures. As part …

  • Dean Swanson five-year review

    The Office of the Provost is conducting a five-year review of Steve Swanson, Dean of the School of Pharmacy. This review is a normal part of our evaluation and support procedures. As part of this …

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