Evjue and Brittingham Wisconsin Trust call for proposals – Due August 30


UW-Madison Faculty and Staff,

The UW-Madison Office of the Provost is pleased to announce a call for grant proposals for funding from the Evjue Foundation and the Brittingham Wisconsin Trust. The deadline for proposals is August 30, 2021, at 11:59 pm. A small committee appointed by the chancellor and provost will recommend projects for submission to the Evjue Foundation and the Brittingham Wisconsin Trust for consideration.

Evjue Foundation Grants to UW-Madison:

The Evjue Foundation grants are made possible by the will of the late William T. Evjue, the founder of The Capital Times newspaper. The Evjue Foundation regularly makes grants to UW-Madison for projects that provide outreach and enhance the quality of life in Madison and Dane County. Any grant proposal that involves a UW-Madison entity must be submitted through the campus process.

The Evjue Foundation traditionally funds community outreach-oriented projects; proposals should describe how the project will benefit the community. It is recommended that grant request be in the $2,000 – $10,000 range. Larger grants, in rare cases, may be considered. Please see the website referenced below for additional submission details.

Brittingham Wisconsin Trust Grants to UW-Madison:

The Brittingham Wisconsin Trust supports general university objectives, with an emphasis on projects in the arts and humanities that may not have access to other funding, as well as projects identified by campus leadership as priorities of the institution. The Trust also supports innovative or experimental projects that may subsequently be funded through traditional sources, interdisciplinary activities, and special projects that contribute to the university’s knowledge base or provide distinctive learning experiences for students or faculty.

Please see the website referenced below for additional submission details. It is recommended that grant requests be in the $2,000 – $10,000 range. Larger grants may be considered.

For more information about these grant opportunities, please see the “grants” section on the following provost’s office webpage: https://provost.wisc.edu/awards-and-grants/.